Monday, February 7, 2011

Hale Middle School Event Tomorrow Tuesday 2-8

When Where What to Bring

We will be giving four 45 min presentations.

Where Hale Middle School,
23830 Califa St, Woodland Hills, CA 91367

We will meet on site at 8AM


Attached is aerial map, you will see our presentation area at the North-west end of the campus by Califa and Platt. we can park in the school parking area on Califa. Just tell them you are a part of the martial arts demo.
Also attached is an outline of the presentation. The materiel is pretty simple, our job will be to be positive and encourage good effort.

KSK Students please wear you white gi pants and a black dojo shirt. Have you gi top and belt handy for demonstrations. We will be training outside so wear your shoes.
After the last demo we are invited to participate in the rally and and eat from the gourmet food trucks.

Contact me with any questions.


Here is the Curriculum for the day. Your job will be to encourage and gently correct.

Violence Avoidance Training / Anti Bully Workshop
Class Goal: Teach avoidance of violence via martial arts. // deputize martial artists in the crowd.
Martial Arts Ancient Secrets of All Cultures: Handed only to the most trusted persons in a society.
We start with respect. Bow // we train in silence and listen carefully.
Martial Artists have a code we work very hard never to break that code.
What is a bully? Did you have an older brother or sister? You were bullied. Were you an older brother or sister chances are you did some bullying.
Bully vs. Bodyguard discussion.
Stance: Ready Stance vs Fighting Stance;
Have students mimic a fight stance, fists and war face. Explain that is exactly what the movies show.
Explain the Fist is a commitment/ agreement to fight and difficult to back down from.
Demonstrate a ready stance; show the power of STOP, by showing one hand.
Have students try ready stance. Demonstrate kiai, stop.
Striking arts, palm with kiai, single strike, one/two strike. Knee, single, double
Elbow block – High reach up and cup back of head.
Low elbow - squeeze you arm elbow down into your body
Wrist Escapes Two hand on two wrists. // Two on one.
Front Neck Choke narrow grab- wide grab -
Rear Neck Choke (just like momiji hazushi but from the rear)
We will also demo more exciting variations of the arts, we will add and subtract arts as needed.