Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Here is the sign in form for KSK Martial Arts Demo Team. First practice this Friday ! Demo Flyer

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Halloween Notes / Uniform Etiquette and Care / Homework Club / Demo Team

Halloween Notes / Uniform Etiquette and Care / Homework Club / Demo Team YOUR JUDO UNIFORM IS NOT A HALLOWEEN COSTUME ! Safety Tips For Kids! (review with your child before trick or treating) ♥ Have older kids take along two or more friends trick or treating. If your child is 12 or younger, you or another trusted adult should go along. ♥ Remind your child to stop only at houses that are well-lit and stay in neighborhoods that are familiar. ♥ Have your child carry a flashlight. ♥ Tell your child to NEVER enter a person’s home or car for a treat. ♥ Get to know the entire route trick-or-treaters intend to follow and agree with your child on a specific time to return home. ♥ Tell your child to stay on the sidewalks and only cross the street at intersections. ♥ Make sure your child’s costume is flame resistant, allows for safe walking, is easily visible at night and does not obstruct sight. Consider putting reflective tape on your child’s costume and bag to increase visibility. ♥ Tell your child not to eat any treats until they return home. Inspect all treats and dispose of anything that seems to have been tampered with. ♥ If anyone bothers or approaches your child, remind them to take 3 steps back, yell “NO!” and runaway quickly. Tell them to seek out a group of trick-or-treaters accompanied by an adult and tell what just happened. All Students Must Mark Judo uniforms and equipment. Please take all gear and uniforms home every Friday. Proper folding of judo gi Caring for your Judo uniform The manufacturers suggested care is to always wash your uniform in cold water and hang dry. Never use bleach to clean your uniform. Adhering to this method will provide you with the longest wear for your investment. Using liquid fabric softener may also reduce the life of your uniform. My favorite liquid detergent for white uniform is Tide Bleach Alternative. Soaking in Oxiclean solution will help remove stains. One cup of baking soda in your wash will help keep your uniform white and remove odors. One cup of white vinegar in the wash will help kill mold. Some of us have stains on the collar around the neck and shoulder cavity area. This maybe our body's oil due to our diet of high fat contented food. I use Spray and Wash or Shout directly on the stained area before each wash. Always wash your uniform as soon as you can after practice and your uniform will always stay clean and fresh. Washing your uniform in warm or hot water may shrink your uniform significantly unless you have a preshrunk uniform. Drying your uniform in a dryer will also shrink your uniform unless you have a preshrunk uniform. The tumbling action in the dryer will shorten the life of your uniform significantly. While the uniform is still wet coming out of the washer. You can stretch the sleeves by pulling or snapping on it before hang drying. This will help to keep the length of the sleeves close to the original lenght. This method applies to all manufacturer. Demo Team. Practice will begin Sunday, interested students should make every effort to attend.