Sunday, November 23, 2008

Caption Contest

Work in progress by Alejandro Stawsky.
We are looking for a caption for this.
Any Ideas ?


Here Comes the Century Club !

For a few months now I have been hinting about the Kenshokan Century Club. This is a personal achievement club where students take it upon themselves to push a little harder and "max out" on their basic fitness skills. The rules are simple. To enter "the club" First be able to perform 100 push ups in a 2 minuet time period. Once this is done you are a member of the club. Your photo will go up on the website, and there will be a certificate, but that’s not why you do it. You do it for you because you can, or until you can.

I am proud to announce the first junior members of the Century Club.
Alejandro Stawski
Allen Sokolov
both completed 100 push ups in the time allotted. Congratulations !
Next up leg lifts, hill climbers, burpies, pole sits, etc.

Special thanks to Zachary Kauffman for helping the parameters of the club.
By the way he completed the 100 pushups in 53 seconds. Good luck beating that !

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Ivy Academia Demonstration a Resounding Success!

Tuesday November 11th the Kenshokan Martial Arts Academy held two back to back demonstrations of Schoolyard-safe self defense techniques at the Ivy academia charter school here in Woodland Hills. Participating in the demo were Sensei Poretz, Sempai Rosa Moreno, Sempai Zack Kauffman. Kenshokan students; Alejandro & Annette Stawski, and Elan Koulax. The demo began with Sensei Poretz giving a brief and somewhat humorous demonstration on the right and wrong way to defend oneself on the playground. We then invited the Ivy kids up to show how easy the basic arts are to learn and then apply.
The 50 or so Ivy students were eager to learn and with the help of the Kenshokan instructors and students the Ivy kids performed their techniques well and with a great spirit. Alejandro and Annette, both Ivy students demonstrated and the students followed and received thunderous applause.
Next up was Elan and Annette who demonstrated a very smooth “wrist whip” throw, a leg take down and a very smooth hip throw. Alejandro and Annette then demonstrated transitions from basic arts to more advanced arts, wowing the crowd. Showing that size doesn’t matter 5’ tall Alejandro threw 6’ Zack over his hip and backwards. Not to be out done Zack made sure that Alejandro got some air time of his own with an outside thigh sweep throw. Then Sensei Poretz demonstrated some advanced arts on Zack, appearing to violate the laws of gravity and getting “oohs” and “aahs” from the crowd.
We then had a Q&A session and the Ivy kids had a lot of great questions about jujitsu and other martial arts. They are an incredible and lively bunch.
I am looking forward to the Kenshokan providing more demos at schools and events throughout the school year.

The event photos are up for viewing CLICK HERE.