Sunday, November 23, 2008

Here Comes the Century Club !

For a few months now I have been hinting about the Kenshokan Century Club. This is a personal achievement club where students take it upon themselves to push a little harder and "max out" on their basic fitness skills. The rules are simple. To enter "the club" First be able to perform 100 push ups in a 2 minuet time period. Once this is done you are a member of the club. Your photo will go up on the website, and there will be a certificate, but that’s not why you do it. You do it for you because you can, or until you can.

I am proud to announce the first junior members of the Century Club.
Alejandro Stawski
Allen Sokolov
both completed 100 push ups in the time allotted. Congratulations !
Next up leg lifts, hill climbers, burpies, pole sits, etc.

Special thanks to Zachary Kauffman for helping the parameters of the club.
By the way he completed the 100 pushups in 53 seconds. Good luck beating that !

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